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Emotional Based School Avoidance

This guidance has been produced by Lancashire Educational Psychology Service and is based on the current evidence base/best practice guidance, regarding supportive strategies associated with positive outcomes for pupils with Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA).
Within the guide you will find an in depth look at EBSA - helping you to understand and then to unpick the behaviours and the thoughts and feelings that might underly children and YP staying at home.
Armed with this information the guide will then help you to put together a supportive action plan.
In the appendix of this toolkit you will find:
A: A Flowchart for Emotionally Based School Avoidance (EBSA)
B: A Whole School Audit
C: A Target Monitoring Evaluation (TME)
D: Card Sort: Function of School Avoidance (a tool to support staff develop a greater understanding of a YP’s school avoidance.
E: Mapping the Landscape - YP tool for rating their environment
F: Laddering Approaches
G: Y6-Y7 Transition Support for pupils at risk of non-attendance: